The Museo della Specola is part of the Department of Astronomy and of the Museum System (SMA) of the University of Bologna.
It occupies the Specola, the astronomical tower  built in the beginning of XVIII-century over Palazzo Poggi, the University palace

Deutsches Museum

Welcome to the Deutsches Museum!

The museum traces the development of science and technology

from its origins to the present day. There are more than 50 exhibitions

covering a floor area of over 46 000m2.

The old Physics Laboratory of Urbino University originates from "academic experimental exhibitions" made firstly in the "College of Nobles" (at the end of 18th century) and soon afterwards in the scientific faculties of the University (first half of 19th century). The Physics Laboratory bacomes famous during all nineteenth century, when its Director was Alessandro Serpieri, physicist, seismologist and astronomer, well known in whole Europe continent for his research.

Museo di Fisica dell'Universitа di Bologn

Il Museo di Fisica dell'Universitа di Bologna и sorto alla fine degli anni Settanta presso il Dipartimento di Fisica, in Via Irnerio 46, ereditando strumenti e documenti raccolti e conservati nell'arco di circa tre secoli da diverse istituzioni scientifiche cittadine. In quasi vent'anni di vita, oltre a svolgere attivitа didattica, di restauro e catalogazione delle strumentazioni giа in proprio possesso, il Museo ha notevolmente ampliato le proprie dotazioni grazie a numerose acquisizioni e donazioni di materiale proveniente da istituzioni e da privati.

Macleay Museum

Scientific Instrument Collection

In 1972 the Macleay Museum held an exhibition of Historical and Interesting Scientific Instruments drawn from several departments. At the conclusion of the exhibition some apparatus was returned to departments. Other departments felt this historic material should be retained in the museum. So began the scientific instrument collection.

Today there are more than 1000 items in the collection. Microscopy and electrical apparatus are well represented. The collection also includes chemical apparatus and glassware, weights and measures, surveying and navigation, drawing and calculating instruments, and some meteorological instruments.

Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford"

Весьма интересна среди предлагаемых тут онлайновых выставок та, которая называется The Garden, the Ark, the

Tower, the Temple ("Сад, Радуга, Башня, Храм"). Она посвящена библейским метафорам в европейской науке,

связанным с понятиями "Райский сад", "Радуга Ноя" (та самая, которая была явлена Всевышним после всемирного

потопа, в знак обещания, что впредь человечество в целом наказано не будет), "Вавилонская башня" и

"Иерусалимский Храм". Правда, иллюстрации тут довольно маленькие, а при щелчке по каталожным номерам

раскрываются не картинки, а подробные их описания.

Музей Тартуского университета

The museum was founded on December 6, 1976. Initially it was situated on the basement floor of the university main building. The first exhibition was "Tartu University 1632-1918". During the same year the museum moved to its present quarters in the former university library on Toome Hill, the building of the 13th century cathedral

Политехнический музей (Москва)

Дом Галилея

After years of discussion and, occasionally, heated debate, interested Italian cultural circles in general, and the city of Pisa in particular, at last agreed to dedicate a memorial to Galileo Galilei, who was born in Pisa in 1564. The founding of the Domus Galilæana in 1942 by the philosopher Giovanni Gentile on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Galileo's death, also resolved the arguments regarding the actual form of the monument to be erected. Discussions had ranged from the usual suggestions for a statue to be erected in some square, a research institute in physics or in a more general scientific field, or one in the particular field of historic studies on Galileo Galiei - and this last suggestion, in the end, prevailed. The Domus Galilæana originated as a combined centre of documentation and study on the works of Galileo and the scientific movement with which Galileo is historically identified.

Institute and Museum of History of Science, Florence, ITALY

The museum exhibition occupies two entire floors of the Palazzo Castellani. The first floor preserves the Medici Collection, the second floor housing the Lorraine Dynasty Collection. A series of aids for the providing of back-up information for visitors are in the process of being installed in the museum. In particular, a multi-media catalogue is in a phase of advanced experimentation. This is in four languages, and illustrates the uses of the objects preserved in the museum, whilst also providing the historical-scientific framework in which they were constructed and used. A simplified version of the Multimedia Catalog is available on the WWW  

Le Musйe des arts et mйtiers, Paris

Collections with historic scientific instruments

The museum holds the collections of the Conservatoire national des arts et mйtiers, founded during the French Revolution. The complete collections database can be explored on line, making this one of the most useful sites available for research

National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution

The Museum includes a substantial collection of scientific instruments. The collection of surveying and geodesy is available online, and there is a virtual exhibition on mathematics education




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